This will install and launch the App in your iOS simulator. Open VS Code and open New Terminal and type the following command to create a new React-Native App: react-native init MyApp cd MyAppĬome back to the MyApp folder and run the below command to run your App in the iOS simulator: react-native run-ios You can check out this post for more details.Ĭreate the folder inside say your Documents folder on your Mac as below: mkdir Apps You might face issues on Mac OS Catalina to run VS Code due to Notarization requirements. Install Visual Studio Code for Mac from here. This requires you to enter system password. brew install watchmanĬocoapods: This is the Dependency Manager for iOS & Mac projects. Watchman: In react-native, Watchman watches the source code for any changes and rebuilds them. The recommended way to install Node is using Homebrew from your Terminal: brew install node Install the following dependencies for React-Native: I’m working on MacOS Catalina and I already have Xcode 11 installed on my machine which is one of the pre-requisites to run the iOS App. The very first step to start development in React-Native is to install the right tools to setup the environment correctly.